Don’t be the turtle while other reach the finish line while you wait. The Real Estate market in middle Tennessee is aggressive and the first ones to the opportunity bind the sales contract. Don’t be the turtle and be left disappointed. Step it up, you’ve begun by doing your research. You know that there are not as many homes to choose from, as other years. Now, you’ve just walked through “your” house and imagine yourself living there and even started to arrange your living room furniture … make the offer now, or someone else will… in many cases that day. The hare wins. Don’t be the turtle and be disappointed.
We are witnessing what we call a “seller’s market”. Meaning, that there are more Buyer’s looking for homes than there are available homes to purchase. So, the minute a new listing comes available it hits the “Hot Sheets”, everyone in your category, and their Realtor, is seeing the same listing. The race is on and may the best offer win!
In most price brackets…if a home is prepared well and priced right, they are selling like hot cakes, and many with multiple offers, driving the price up and the chance of you getting that home… down. Not the ideal position to be in as a Buyer.
What can we do to put you in first place, you ask? Here are a few building blocks to lay the track to a successful finish and win.
1. Take the time upfront to commit to your purchase and search strategy. For example: What neighborhoods do you want to live in? Is it more important to be close to work or be able to afford that extra bedroom? Decide what needs are musts and adopt the frame of mind that “there are no steals but good deals”.
2. Share this information with your Realtor and ask for input. Go to your Realtor’s website and set up an automated search system that will give you the latest information drawn directly from Realtracs. and NOT Zillow or Trulia. ranked as secondary sources that contain old information. Watch your source site everyday. Consider your Realtor your best friend in this process. Share. Go see it. Don’t wait until the weekend or it maybe under contract by then.
3. Get pre-approved for your mortgage by your favorite lender before you venture out. Your lender will work with you to determine spending limits and price point of your new home. When you find the home you want, your pre-approval will contribute to making a strong offer… NOW. Time is of the essence.
4. Writing and presenting your offer. It’s more than just a dollar figure. Your real estate professional will apply their training and experience to get you more with the least amount of drama. It’s a strategy well practiced.
Are you ready to find your next home? Really ready? Then, put on your track shoes and let’s find it.